I have a form of an entity (Daily Report) in which I added a javascript webresource on the OnChange property of a date field, this webresouce function is to check if the selected date is a weekend or not, and if it is a weekend it will popup an error about it. the weekend setting is configured on another entity (Configuration) as a multi-select option set.
Both entities/tables are enabled for Mobile Offline and included in the Mobile-Offline profile.
in the webresource I am using the (Xrm.WebApi.retrieveMultipleRecords) to get the record that contains the weekend setting and here is the full code:
function CheckWeekend(executionContext) { 'use strict'; var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext(); var reportDate = formContext.getAttribute('drm1_reportdate').getValue(); if (!!reportDate) { var d = new Date(reportDate); var DayNum = d.getDay(); var Weekends = [ { Num: 4, Value: 684100000 }, { Num: 5, Value: 684100001 }, { Num: 6, Value: 684100002 }, { Num: 0, Value: 684100003 } ]; var SelectedDayRecord = Weekends.find(elem => elem.Num === DayNum); if (!!SelectedDayRecord) { var SelectedDayValue = SelectedDayRecord.Value; Xrm.WebApi.retrieveMultipleRecords('drm1_configuration', "?$select=drm1_name,drm1_weekend&$orderby=createdon&$top=1").then(// function success(result) { // perform operations on on retrieved records var record = result.entities[0]; var weekendstng = record.drm1_weekend; if (weekendstng.includes(SelectedDayValue)) { var ErrorWeekendReport = Xrm.Utility.getResourceString('drm1_DialogLocalizations', 'ErrorWeekendReport'); var errorOptions = { details: 'The selected date is a Weekend day, please select another date!', errorCode: 404, message: ErrorWeekendReport, }; Xrm.Navigation.openErrorDialog(errorOptions).then( function () { // perform operations on error dialog close formContext.getAttribute('drm1_reportdate').setValue(null); } ); } }, function (error) { alert(error.message); } ); } } }
the problem that when I go in offline mode the Xrm.WebApi.retrieveMultipleRecords does not recognize the (drm1_weekend) field because it is a multi select field type, so is this a known limitation? or is it a bug?
is there any workaround this issue?