In installing Dynamics SL 7.0, I select the Module Licensing, Professional option. It takes me to a screen that lists all the modules, that I can then select which ones. I signed on to our CustomerSource account at Microsoft, and looking at the list of Product Modules we are licensed for, I can’t seem to find all of them in the list of modules available to install. The ones I am missing or can’t find are:
- Visual Basic for Applications
- Object Model
- Solomon IV – Premier 25+ (I assume this is just our user license, not a module to be installed, so don’t think we need to worry about this one)
- Business Portal
- Seagate Crystal Reports (This one appears to be a separate install on the SL install DVD, so think we are OK here)
- FRx Desktop (This one appears to be a separate install on the SL install DVD, so think we are OK here)
Do you have any suggestions as to where I would find the three ‘missing’ ones above (Visual Basic for Applications, Object Model, Business Portal)? I was thinking maybe Visual Basic for Applications and Object Model were actually the SDK?
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