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Supply chain | Supply Chain Management, Commerce

updating procurement category in entity purchtable

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Good morning,
We are continuously improving our utilization of D365 F&O.
So a while back we have created procurement categories assigned them to item numbers.
I am trying to update the procurement category through the data management module but so far without success:
I end up with the following error: Results. update not allowed for field 'Procurement category(ProcurementProductCategoryName)'
Can anyone help to get around this and update historic data in the tables?
Thank you
  • Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 231,387 Most Valuable Professional on at
    updating procurement category in entity purchtable
    You need to decide what you want to do instead of trying random entities.
    You used PurchPurchaseOrderLineV2Entity, so it seemed you wanted to create an update a purchase order line.
    But the requirement you mentioned has nothing to do with order lines (or confirmation lines, that you mentioned later).
    A category is a property of an item, not a purchase order line. The category is always taken from the item on the order line; you can't start pretending that the item belongs to another category as a particular order line. If you want a different category, you either need to select a different item or you need to change configuration of the item itself.
    The ProcurementProductCategoryName field on PurchPurchaseOrderLineV2Entity is the name of a category. If the change was allowed, you'd change the name in EcoResCategory table (which would influence all orders with any item from this category). You may want to do it, but changing EcoResCategory is a completely different thing than creating or changing PurchLine, therefore PurchPurchaseOrderLineV2Entity is a wrong entity for that.
    It seems to me that you're trying to do one of two things, none of them related to to purchase lines:
    1. You want to change the category of an item.
    2. You want to change properties of a category, such as the name.
    Please confirm your intention.
  • updating procurement category in entity purchtable
    I have tried it with 2 different entity: "Purchase order lines V2" & "Purchase order confirmation lines" both failed
    I found that PO position in these two entity and the procurement category field populate in the newer entries and blank in the old ones
  • Guy Terry Profile Picture
    Guy Terry 28,684 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    updating procurement category in entity purchtable
    In general, if you can't do it to one record through the front end, you won't be able to do it using the data entity via any backdoor. There are lots of different reasons why a PO Line might not be editable, some of which will apply to you, and I guess some which won't.... but if you can find a way to update one of these historic POs through the front end, then get the other historic POs in to the same state and you'll be able to update them using the data entity.
    That said, if the PO Line has an Item number on it, you probably won't be able to update the Category; I think that's how F&O works. You might need the help of a developer; perhaps they can set the Category on old PO lines by referring to the category which the item is currently assigned to. 
  • updating procurement category in entity purchtable
    Hi Martin,
    I tried with: Purchase order lines V2
    Also found the information on the entity: purchase order confirmation lines... but when uploading the excel file seems like mapping does not exisit.
  • Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 231,387 Most Valuable Professional on at
    updating procurement category in entity purchtable
    Which entity are you using?

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