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GP Workflow Delegation Defaults Wrong AD User

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When users are delegating their workflow tasks from the User Preferences in Dynamics GP 2018 the user that is being defaulted is not their own AD user ID, not sure why. And it appears to only be happening in one company, the other company is defaulting correctly. Has anyone seen this or know why this might be happening. 

  • Suggested answer
    Isaac Olson Profile Picture
    Isaac Olson on at
    RE: GP Workflow Delegation Defaults Wrong AD User


    If the user happens to be a power user or was a power user in this company at some point, then they would have the ability to change the user under user preferences and it would save whichever AD user account that they used last in that so that would appear as default until they change it.  If they are a non-power user, then it should always just default to whatever AD account they are logged into their machine as that that launching GP.  

    There is a chance that the one company doesn't have their expired delegations being removed also, which you could run through this blog to fix.

    In the one company with the issue you could just delete all delegation records, and then they will repopulate the next time the user enters the window too.  (its always recommended to back up your database before deleting any records through SQL.  

    select * from WF40500 --Workflow User Delegation Master
    select * from WF40510 --Workflow User Delegation Line

    I hope this helps!

    Isaac Olson

    Microsoft Support

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