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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

Using eConnect routines to import orders. What to look consider?

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I am trying to test a simple routine to import sales orders using eConnect. All is fine until I get to a client where sales tax is collected. I import the lines, the taxes and then the header. I was used to importing PO's where you import the lines first and then the header and then the PO totals are computed automatically. That does not appear to be how sales orders work with eConnect. I keep getting a message(299) that the document total does not match. I believe this is because I was under the assumption that using eConnect would compute the sales tax amounts and then compute the document totals. That appears to be incorrect. How much of the math do I need to perform and pass down to the eConnect stored procedures?

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  • RE: Using eConnect routines to import orders. What to look consider?

    Hello Richard,

    Not sure of the eConnect procedure being used, but I suspect the taSopLineIvcInsert, which was the only one I could find an error message of 299, which is checking the following:

    if ((round(abs(round((@I_vUNITPRCE - @I_vMRKDNAMT) * @I_vTOTALQTY, @EDITDECPLCUR) - @I_vXTNDPRCE) * @I_vTOTALQTY, @EDITDECPLCUR)) <> 0)
     select @O_iErrorState = 299 

    I found a support case we had with this exact 299 error and this eConnect procedure. What they stated was that the Dynamics GP user interface allows for us to enter the unit price and the quantity and then the extended price will be calculated. In addition, it is possible to enter the extended price and the quantity, then the unit price should be calculated.

    eConnect does not support both of these options. It only supports the former - entering the unit price and the quantity, and then the extended price is calculated from those values. I know we've recommended making this/voting on this as a Product Suggestion.

    Hopefully this will give some information to help determine the error message. If you need further assistance, we would need to see the XML or information being entered via the procedure in eConnect so we can test as well.


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