Getting the following message when attempting to convert EDI 850 to Sales Order:
System Message 6124: Process started: Tue May 01 09:45 A.M.
Processing: EDIPOID '0000000127'
System Message 15893: EDIPOID: 0000000127 caused the following business rule
violation: The discount percent must be within -100 and
100 percent.
System Message 6125: Process ended: Tue May 01 09:45 A.M.
The 850 has Line Item Discounts that are not based on %, but rather fixed amounts per line item. Only way I can get the 850 converted is to calculate the % within the 850, and update the ED850LDisc.Pct field with the calculated percentage (the default value is zero, which is certainly between -100 and 100). Would rather not have to do calculate if the customer is not sending it.
Not sure what else to do otherwise.