RE: Quick send for OM Confirmation
I know you can add the Customer Name and Company Name
if you go to quicksend setup and press F1 you will find some fields that you can add
You can specify the following variables within the body text to personalize each email message or fax:
• <Customer Name>, <Reference Number>, <Document Amount>, and <Company Name> — For AR Invoice/Memo, AR Statement, OM Invoice, OM Order Confirmation, OM Manual Order Confirmation, OM Shipping Notice, Project Invoice, Construction Billing, Service Call Invoice, Service Contract Invoice document types
• <Vendor Name>, <Reference Number>, <Document Amount>, and <Company Name> — For the Purchase Order document type
• <Employee Name> and <Company Name> — For the DD Advice Slip Stub document type
Each variable must begin with a less-than symbol (<) and end with a greater-than symbol (>). Also, the first letter of each word in the variable name must be capitalized and the rest of each word must be in lowercase letters