Hi I have read a lot of post with similar questions, but I didn't really find any answer.
I see a lot of lists that has some kind of default filer when I open the list and I find that very annoying, because I usually need a full view not limited by filters, to find something in the list. this means that every time I open one of these list I have to spend time on deleting the filters.
For example in the Role Center we have a - I don't know what you call it - info box showing My Incomming Documents, but it is always showing zero:
When I click on the box I get to the list of Incomming Documents and it is empty, to the number zero showed in the box is kind of correct and also kind of useless. I mean, I have no use of a box always showing zero.
The list of Incomming documents I see a filter called "All" and this filter limiting the lists to show only documents with status Processed=No.
I have same problem with a lot of other lists and its driving me crazy - how can I delete these stupid standard/default filters?
Best regards
Thomas Madsen Nielsen