I do not understand why the DOM applies a warehouse that is not the one that meets the maximum distance rule and fullfillment profile. I can't close the DOM process, i need help.
DOM Parameters:
DOM rules: Maximum distance rules
Fullfillment profiles:
Modes of delivery
Sales origin:
Example (Sales Order)
Sales Order 012854 - David Beckham
Mode of delivery: Air
Sales origin: Phone
Item number: 0005 - Basic Inner Tube / Quantity 10,00 each
Storage Dimensions (default)
Site: DC
Warehouse: DC
Suggest fulfillment location:
Top 10 available warehouse ordered by aerial distance (km):
Miami: 11,00 available
Scottsd: 11,00 available
Running the batch process:
I don't understand why it assign the Site EAST and DC-EAST Warehouse
New storage dimensions: