Hi Community,
In my test environment, I created a Sales Order and post to ship. I didn't post Ship and invoiced.
Instead, I have gone to Sales Invoice to create an invoice, by copy document of that sales order so that I can invoice it.
So after I created Sales Invoice and posted invoice.
I went to the customer card and select the Statement (116) report.
however, I see other entries but I didn't see this entry.
Just in case my report my have some error. I tried another test.
This time, I went to create a sales order, but this time, I posted Ship and invoiced. So that it will become Posted sales Invoice.
I went back to the customer and check the Statement (116) report.
True enough, I see the SO being shown in the statement.
So now my question is why didn't my original sales order or at least the first sales invoice got registered on the Statement (116) report?
Appreciate your help.
Thank you!