Hi All,
I have to add 2 entity forms in one web form i.e : Account & Reg App(Entity Form).I have created one web form, in that 3 web form steps creating.
1st Page : Account Form (Here web form step type: Load Form)
2nd Page : Reg App Form(One tab showing , which contains html web resource file) (Here web form step type: Load Tab)
3rd Page : Reg App Form(Another tab showing with some fields) (Here web form step type: Load Tab)
So here I am able to create record for Account & Reg App Form(1st Page & 2nd Page), But in 3rd Page i am unable to see fields in portal & unable to complete the submission stage.
Is there any limitations to use web form steps in web forms or any different issues ??
Can anybody suggest how we can achieve this in 365 portal ??