when i install GP2010 on machine, i can access only by sa user and I can't access by another user, why?
how can I access by others user??
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when i install GP2010 on machine, i can access only by sa user and I can't access by another user, why?
how can I access by others user??
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Hello bkerat,
please do the following on the machine where the user cant access the GP:
1- open the Dynamics GP using the sa
2- go to Administration >> Setup >> System >> User
3- select the user who will access the machine and change the password
4- click Save
5- switch the sa user to the other user that you just changed the password and login
if that didn't work try login with another user or delete that user and recreate it again, and see what happens
I was try but same.
the message appear user or password is wrong
Try login with sa and change the users password from the same machine and then try make him login again.
if that didn't work then what error does it generate?
André Arnaud de Cal...
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