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Charts do not come up for Views with Filter as Equal Current User

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Charts are not appearing for the views which takes User Equals Current User as a Filter . 

Has anyone faced this issue . 

Any Suggestions.

  • Jill Vazquez Profile Picture
    Jill Vazquez 40 on at
    RE: Charts do not come up for Views with Filter as Equal Current User

    DAnny3211 thanks for the reply.  After spending way too much time troubleshooting this yesterday, I opened a ticket with microsoft only to realize the problem as soon as the technician reached out to me to arrange a call.  I was using the "Level Up" tool to impersonate a user so the problem is with Level Up, not my charts, data or anything in my configuration.  It seemed to only be an issue with custom tables where the view is filtered by current user - a similar view and chart in an out of the box table, like Accounts, worked fine.

  • Suggested answer
    DAnny3211 Profile Picture
    DAnny3211 9,274 Super User 2024 Season 1 on at
    RE: Charts do not come up for Views with Filter as Equal Current User


    This issue could be caused by several reasons. Here are a few things you can check:

    Make sure the user who is currently viewing the chart has access to the data in the view. If the view has filters that restrict data based on the user, the chart may not display anything.

    Check if there are any filters applied to the chart that conflict with the view's filters. Try removing any filters from the chart and see if the data appears.

    Ensure that the chart is configured correctly. Double-check that the chart is using the correct view and that the fields being used in the chart are included in the view.

    Check if the chart is published to the correct security roles. If the user doesn't have access to the chart, it won't display.


  • Jill Vazquez Profile Picture
    Jill Vazquez 40 on at
    RE: Charts do not come up for Views with Filter as Equal Current User

    Gunjesh - were you able to resolve this?  I am now facing the same issue in all 3 of my environments.

  • RE: Charts do not come up for Views with Filter as Equal Current User

    Hello Gunjesh ,

    Does the chart come up if you set filter to any other user?



  • Gunjesh Profile Picture
    Gunjesh 70 on at
    RE: Charts do not come up for Views with Filter as Equal Current User

    Thanks for the rely Leah , 

    The issue occurs with multiple entities . 

    We have basic Customization Changes for the entities . 

    This issue only occurs on one instance, it works well on all the other instance (dev,QA etc)

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Charts do not come up for Views with Filter as Equal Current User

    Hi Gunjesh,

    In which entity did you encounter an error? only the one or all entities?

    And can you tell me what is version of your environment?

    Have you done any changes or updates for it?

    No any error messages?

    Can you provide some related screenshots about it?

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