Good day,
Im working with a custom entity that was created by the previous developer.
Its name is InvoicePaymentTrackerDataStaging.
It's using VendTrans table as the main datasource. Under VendTrans table its has HCMWorker, Tax1099Fields, DimensionSetEntity and VendTable as datasources.
Under VendTable, the range specified is VendGroup and values provided are PRY,SEC,TET,SPS.
The other tables dont have any ranges specified/set on them.
However when i run the export operation on the data entity it is leaving out several records which meet the range specified ie the records are in one of the PRY,SEC,TET,SPS VendGroups but they are being left out when i run the export operation.
I have refreshed the Entity list but still the problem is persisting.
Im kindly asking for pointers/assistance in resolving this. I have attached some screenshots to give you a visual.
One of the screenshots is of the VendTrans table with a highlighted record which is missing when the export-operation is run on the entity, the vendor is part of the PRY,SEC,TET,SPS VendGroup as displayed in the other screenshot. Hope this makes sense.
As there many datasources there might be an issue in the joins. Can you check the records of the entity in SSMS? If you find any difference then you can play around the join types.
Hi, To troubleshoot, I think it would be easier to make change to this data entity in SQL server and test the records. You can check the query for this data entity in Sql server in AxDB, open Views, find your data entity, right click Script View as -->Create To-->New query editor window.
Use the select statement to make changes.
Hi Tapiwa,
I am assuming Data entity is built on the HcmWorker table which is related to showing Approver - So from the excel screenshot, "Approver" name seems to be empty - May be that is the issue. Can you check that one?
Girish S.
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