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Microsoft Teams Integration for Teams Webinar and Teams Live Events

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Hi MD Marketing Team,

In the Event Management area in our current MD Marketing system, there is only one option to choose from the Teams integration: "Teams Meetings." However, we know that there could be two more options for streaming "Teams Live Events" and "Teams Webinars."

I have a couple of questions on this:

1. Do the "Teams Webinars" and "Teams Live Events" are available depending on the type of contract we have with Teams? Right now it only shows "Teams Meetings" as streaming option in MD Marketing.

2. Would the MD Marketing system still require to have an On24 account to be able to use these features? Our company currently has an enterprise subscription with Office 365 that includes Microsoft Teams.

Any help would be appreciated!



  • Suggested answer
    Nya Profile Picture
    Nya 29,058 on at
    RE: Microsoft Teams Integration for Teams Webinar and Teams Live Events

    Hi Ed,

    Please refer to the following sections for more details:

    For Q1:

    Run webinars and meetings with Microsoft Teams (Dynamics 365 Marketing) | Microsoft Docs

    For Q2:

    Set up event administration options and webinar provider accounts (Dynamics 365 Marketing) | Microsoft Docs

  • Ed V Profile Picture
    Ed V 10 on at
    RE: Microsoft Teams Integration for Teams Webinar and Teams Live Events

    I forgot to ask, if Teams Webinars and Teams Live Events are available to us, how do we turn those options on in MD Marketing?

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