Here's an old KB article I found:
How to print the Payables Management distribution account by using the "Check with Stu... Page 1 of 4 4/8/2013
6. In the Related Tables window, click PM Distribution WORK OPEN*, and then click OK to close the
7. In the Report Table Relationships window, click PM Distribution WORK OPEN*, and then click New.
8. In the Related Tables window, click Account Master, and then click OK.
9. In the Report Table Relationships window, click Close.
10. In the Report Definition window, click the Layout button. The Report Layout window opens.
11. On the Layout tab in the Toolbox window, drag the Account Number field from the Account Master
table into the Body (B) section of the report. You will have to rearrange or remove some existing fields
in the Body (B) to make room for the new field.
Note If you change the size of the body of the report, see the following article in the Microsoft
Knowledge Base to make sure that the size of the check is compatible:
856504 ( ) Check field sizes in Report Writer
12. Close the Report Layout window, and then click Save when you are prompted to save the changes to
the report layout.
Step 4: Create the report restrictions
To print the Payables Management distribution account by using the "Check with Stub on Top" format or the
"Check with Stub on Bottom" format, you must create two restrictions.
To create the first restriction, follow these steps:
1. In the Report Definition window, click Restrictions.
2. In the Report Restrictions window, click New.
3. In the Report Restriction Definition window, type a name for the restriction in the Restriction Name
box. For example, type First.
4. In the Report Table box, click PM Distribution WORK OPEN.
5. In the Table Fields box, click Voucher Number.
6. Click Add Field.
7. In the Operators box, click the equal sign (=).
8. Click Add Field under Fields. This creates the following restriction expression:
PM_Distribution_WORK_OPEN.Voucher Number= PM_Distribution_WORK_OPEN.Voucher Number
9. Click OK.
To create the second restriction, follow these steps:
1. In the Report Definition window, click Restrictions.
2. In the Report Restrictions window, click New.
3. In the Report Restriction Definition window, type a name for the restriction in the Restriction Name
box. For example, type Second.
4. In the Report Table box, click Account Master.
5. In the Table Fields box, click Account Category Number.
6. Click Add Field.
7. In the Operators box, click the not-equal sign (<>).