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Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Integration, Dataverse...
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Workflow to assign all open/active cases to the owning user's default team queue - if the case is currently owned by an individual user

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Hi Guys

Even after the appropriate training, we still get instances where individuals are assigning cases to themselves - rather than using the case picking/worked by procedure that we have in place and leaving the case in the Team queue.

We should never have instances where a case is owned by a user - so I wanted to write a workflow that runs overnight that will look at all open\active cases which are currently owned by individual users, and assigns them back to that user's default Team.

Any ideas how best to write this would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks


  • Suggested answer
    Sayen Zhang Profile Picture
    Sayen Zhang on at
    RE: Workflow to assign all open/active cases to the owning user's default team queue - if the case is currently owned by an individual user

    Hi Mike

    We can create a workflow to make open\active cases which are currently owned by individual users assigns them back to that user's default Team.

    Here are the steps:

    1. Create a N:1 relationship with "Team" and "Case" entity.

    2. Add "Default Team" column in Case for Interactive experience main form.


    3. Go to Power Apps home page:

    4. Click "Advanced Settings" under gears.


    5. Select "Process" under settings.

    6. Create a process and fill out the process.



    It is important to note that it is not available for us to stop workflow overnight. However, we can stop workflow after 10 hours of creating case.

    Best Regards,

    Sayen Zhang

  • Suggested answer
    XM-22040801-0 Profile Picture
    XM-22040801-0 11 on at
    RE: Workflow to assign all open/active cases to the owning user's default team queue - if the case is currently owned by an individual user


    If you want to prevent the assignment of a case to a user, I invite you to look at this post:    

    This avoids the need to run a reassignment workflow.

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