I'm having an issue with entering new Manufacturing Orders after saving changes to an existing MO. When I enter the new one and tab off of the Due Date I get a warning "MO# is linked to SO#. If you change due date for the manufacturing order, you should change the in-house due date for the sales order."
This is happening for new MOs, so there is no way that it is linked to an SO. The SO# is always the first result returned by exec AAH.dbo.zDP_IS010001F_5 '',''.
I ran profiler and every time I get the warning that procedure is running with blank parameters. When I don't get the warning it runs with the current MO# as both parameters, which is what I would expect given it's the MO/SO Link table.
This also happening for the next MO if:
However it does not occur on the next MO if:
Is anyone else running into this, I believe it started happening after GP 2010 SP3?
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We sent this to our Microsoft partner. Microsoft confirmed it as a bug. They said it would be fixed in GP 12 SP1, but we are waiting on an answer about a fix in GP 11 SP4.
We are also experiencing the same thing after SP3.
No results in my environment either.
No results in my enviornment.
If you run this query does it return anything?
No, I have not. I wasn't able to find any decent work around other than closing the MO Entry screen between MOs and using quick links or menu shortcuts to get back in quickly. Even with the shortcuts it takes as much, if not more, time to get around the promt than it does to ignore it.
Frank - Did you ever get resolution to this? We are experiencing the exact same thing and also started after SP3.
No Manufacturing ISV products or customization on the MO Entry window. The documents aren't actually getting linked by anything, I'm getting a popup claiming that they are linked though.
I have verified that they are not linked with the MOP/SOP XReference and SmartList.
Thank you for the ideas.
MO's can be linked manually to a SO also via the MOP/SOP XReference window. That would be another way they could get linked. Outside of that, I am not sure what else could be doing it. Any ISV's? Customs?
Dan Liebl, CMA CPIM | Senior Consultant | OTT,Inc | DLiebl@OTT-inc.com
Thanks for the input. You are correct about the table and the field you're referring to is Fulfill. Method?
That is unset for my items, I'm not using the auto generate MOs which do create a link. These MOs are being manually entered. Transactions >> Manufacturing >> Manufacturing Orders >> Entry.
They shouldn't be auto-linking to any sales documents and the document that it claims it is linked to isn't even for the same item.
My apologies if I missed something in Item Engineering Data.
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