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Microsoft Dynamics CRM (Archived)

Open workflows and word templates on click of buttons, the buttons are located at HTML web resource

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I would like to set up the workflows and word templates buttons (highlighted in the attached screen print) on the HTML web resource and on click of these buttons would like to execute them for one or more selected records.
I know that CRM uses following URL to open that window.
For workflow - "+ Organization URL +"/_controls/lookup/lookupinfo.aspx?AllowFilterOff=0&DefaultViewId=45102185-B1B4-422B-A3BF-F1BA9C6E130A&IsTypeUnresolved=&LookupStyle=single&ShowNewButton=0&ShowPropButton=1&browse=0&dType=1&isRegardingFieldPopulated=false&membertypecode=" +entityCode + "&mrsh=false&objecttypes=4703"
And the below URL to execute the selected workflow for the selected record(s) one by one.
"+ Organization URL +"/_grid/cmds/dlg_runworkflow.aspx?iId=" + Record ID+ " &iIndex="+ Execution Order +"&iObjType=" + Entity object code + "&iTotal=" + No. of Selected Records + "&sIds=&wfId="+ Selected Workflow ID
However, when I open the popup window using the very first URL above, it doesn't do anything on click of the Add button, PFA the screen print for the same.
Can anyone advise how can I make it functional same as Advanced Find? I know this is an unsupported way but would like to do it for one of my customers.
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  • Suggested answer
    Seren S Profile Picture
    400 on at
    RE: Open workflows and word templates on click of buttons, the buttons are located at HTML web resource

    Hi Bhavika,

    You can't merge URL with parameters then call with function because the controller requires some commands which have to run in the back.

    You can find the command collection in the button's elements like account|NoRelationship|Form|Mscrm.RunWorkflowPrimary but also dealing with these Xrm.Core libraries are not supported.

    You can use  Xrm.Utility.lookupObjects to open lookup views from your web resource.

    Here is a similar example with yours.

    Hope it can give you a clue.

    Cheers, Seren.

  • Bhavika A. Vala Profile Picture
    70 on at
    RE: Open workflows and word templates on click of buttons, the buttons are located at HTML web resource

    Thank you for the response. I want to add button on HTML Page and show the list of On Demand workflows for the related entity. On click of selected workflow from the list, want to run that workflow for all selected records. Please advise me on it.

  • Suggested answer
    StefanS365 Profile Picture
    3,573 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: Open workflows and word templates on click of buttons, the buttons are located at HTML web resource

    Hi Bhavika,

    There's a supported way by using the Ribbon Work Bench to add a button that can start a workflow:

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