As a small private college, all of our purchasing is non-inventory. I've been eager to move our POs (everything requires a PO and it's been a tedious manual process for years) to the PO module in GP 10. However, after some testing and reviewing community responses, I'm beginning to think that the way GP handles non-inventory items at the summary posting level (at receive/ invoice) in not allowing for a change in distribution (many departments in our general ledger setup and each one may order "supplies" or "service") may be a deal breaker. The college has had GP for over 12 years and is using very little of its functionality. After pushing the move to automating the PO process in GP, I am now more than a bit frustrated. (and the AP staff person has a look of "see I told you so...It won't work) I would be willing to set up multiple "purchasing" accounts per vendor - but that's not allowed.
Is this a problem unique to version 10? Will upgrading to 2010 r.2 work any differently?
Is the only solution moving to a third-party application that allows for multiple distributions as well as tracking open POs with budget/actual? Or perhaps taking the time to set up multiple non-inventory items for each potential dept/expense in hundreds? But you can't set up "non-inventory" items.....
I thank you for your time and response.
Kim Williams
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