I am trying to sort my report so that all the items in that parent category will show up
Here is my current code:
tableextension 50103 MyExtension extends Item { fields { // Add changes to table fields here field(50104; MPN; Text[50]) { DataClassification = ToBeClassified; } field(50105; Model; Text[50]) { DataClassification = ToBeClassified; } field(50106; LegacyId; Text[50]) { DataClassification = ToBeClassified; } field(50108; Recycle; Boolean) { DataClassification = ToBeClassified; } field(50109; ParentCode; Text[50]) { DataClassification = ToBeClassified; TableRelation = "Item Category"."Parent Category"; } field(50110; "Parent Category"; Code[20]) { DataClassification = ToBeClassified; TableRelation = "Item Category"."Parent Category"; } } var myInt: Integer;