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Supply chain | Supply Chain Management, Commerce
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Trade Agreement Price Journals for 100k SKU's

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Any help appreciated.....
I have approximately 1500 released products, that have 2 style product variants, and 42 colour variants, this makes 126,000 combinations.
Everyone of these variants needs its own individual trade agreement selling price, no problem.
So, to enter the trade agreement price, create a sales price trade agreement journal, add lines each with a from and to date, post the journal... and done.
Changing from and to date for journal lines, no problem, the copy and revise can do that....  its changing the actual prices that becomes an issue.... and this is where the 126000 becomes a problem.
For auditing, accuracy and traceability, i'd want to do this change in one journal.
If I try and use the excel plug in it exceeds the number of records, and if I use data management the data import is prone to fall over if above 10000 lines, so when I did this previously I sliced the data set into 16 groups of 8000 lines each and did 16 different journals each in turn, a complete pain...
No in my opinion 126000 SKU's isnt a huge amount, in a B2C business it would be many many more....  if you had 1M SKU's you would'nt want to be doing over 160 separate journals, our gold partner claims that 126000 SKU's is a lot, don't believe that.
Note, the new prices are not as simple as a 3% uplift accross the board.
So how are other businesses doing this ?
  • Suggested answer
    Kevin Xia Profile Picture
    Kevin Xia Microsoft Employee on at
    Trade Agreement Price Journals for 100k SKU's
    According to your description, it seems that batch job processing is a good solution to help you process this data in batches. Since we don't know how complex changes or operation logic there are between your data, if there is a very complex logical interaction, it is recommended that you group the data, edit it in Excel and save it to the system.
    Best regards,
  • André Arnaud de Calavon Profile Picture
    André Arnaud de Cal... 291,280 Super User 2024 Season 2 on at
    Trade Agreement Price Journals for 100k SKU's
    I have been involved in an implementation with over 300K SKUs (B2C) on AX2012. They did not update all of their prices in one go. Based on what factors are you changing the price for all of your items? Depending on the scenario, you might also check out the Management Pricing feature which is now in public preview: Pricing management overview - Supply Chain Management | Dynamics 365 | Microsoft Learn

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