I tried looking on the forum to see if there is an answer to this, but I have not found anything. We have PR workflow that uses the "report to" and "signing policy limit -based on job" and it escalates the approval to next person in line depending on the limit.
So for example: Employee A submits a PR for $600. Employee A has a signing limit of 500. It would go to Employee A's manager, who is Employee B. Employee B has signing limit of 1000. If Employee A submits expense report for more than 1000 it would go to his manager's manager for the higher signing limit and so forth.
So it works fine up until we hit the CEO's approval limit, since we get an error saying that the CEO doesn't have a person he reports to (which is correct since he is the last in line of the hierarchy). May I have some guidance on how to fix this issue?
Error message below (position 000354 is CEO):
"A reports to position was not found for position '000354' using the 'Line' hierarchy type. Go to 'Positions', find position '000354' and set the 'Reports to' position.
at SysWorkflowHierarchyProvider-resolve