Hi Guys,
We currently running a Dynamics 365 system. All of our Products have a barcode that we can assign an item no too. We however track all lot no and expiry dates of our products via the LOTALLEXP item tracking lines functionality.
We currently have to manually enter these lines on, as per every item on a PO.
We want to streamline this process.
the questions i wish to ask is:
- is there a way of using a handheld device to scan the barcode on the product and it bring up an user interface for warehouse to input LOTALLEXP data.
- Is there a way to print out that data as a document (like a goods in form)
- is there a way to use Pick instructions to scan out goods before they leave to verify correct product and then generate a form (like a goods out form) before posting that data to NAV to ship.
i would greatly appreciate your help and expertise guys.