Hi Expert,
I had been setup the workflow approval for Sales Quote using workflow user group.
All the while working well,
originally there was 2 approver in the workflow user group and now I added additional 2 approver and 4 users Sequence No. is 1
After added 2 users I went to approved the previous Sales Quote, and then the approval Entries status is approved but Sales Quote status still pending approval.
"Record Restriction Mgt."(CodeUnit 1550).CheckRecordHasUsageRestrictions line 21 - Base Application by Microsoft
"Record Restriction Mgt."(CodeUnit 1550).SalesHeaderCheckSalesPostRestrictions line 2 - Base Application by Microsoft
"Sales Header"(Table 36).OnCheckSalesPostRestrictions line 2 - Base Application by Microsoft
"Sales Header"(Table 36).CheckSalesPostRestrictions line 2 - Base Application by Microsoft
"Sales-Quote to Order"(CodeUnit 86).OnRun(Trigger) line 15 - Base Application by Microsoft
"Sales-Quote to Order (Yes/No)"(CodeUnit 83).OnRun(Trigger) line 14 - Base Application by Microsoft
"Sales Quote"(Page 41)."MakeOrder - OnAction"(Trigger) line 5 - Base Application by Microsoft
Seek for your advice.
Wei Ching