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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

GP 2013 crashes when clinking on save button on Asset General Information window

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GP 2013 crashes when clinking on save button on Asset General Information window. This is only happenig in one company. While if I click on next record arrow after doing any changes then clicking  on save button on the small screen, the record is saved without error.

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  • Verified answer
    Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: GP 2013 crashes when clinking on save button on Asset General Information window

    Update from Microsoft Technical Support...This is a known issue. Here was their response:

    "When saving an asset in the asset general window Dynamics GP crashes with the message "Microsoft Dynamics GP has stopped working" and you will be asked to debug or close the program.  This appears to happen if you have more than approximately 150 assets that are all named in sequential order, for example  Asset001 through Asset150.  So if your assets were named differently, about every 100 or so, your system wouldn’t crash.  We will push to get this fix in SP2 for GP 2013."

    "Cause:  The application is running about 150 times until it runs out of ‘stack’.  When the window saves the asset it tries to find ‘gaps’ in the assets ID’s so that it can set up the FA setup table with the ‘next’ asset ID."

    It appears that the Professional Services Tools Library can be used to modify Asset ID's if you decide to number them in non-sequencial order.  I am going to instruct my users to simply use the next record browse button at the bottom of the screen to save any changes to existing assets or when creating new ones.

  • Imad Kassoumah Profile Picture
    Imad Kassoumah 3,235 on at
    RE: GP 2013 crashes when clinking on save button on Asset General Information window

    Hi Leslie,

    Here is the contents of DYNAMICS.set



    Microsoft Dynamics GP




    Fixed Assets




    Human Resources




    Interfund Management


    Revenue Expense Deferrals




    Cash Flow Management


    Technical Service Tools


    Excel-Based Budgeting


    HRM Solution Series


    Purchase Order Enhancements


    Control Account Management


    Enhanced Commitment Management




    Advanced Security


    Analytical Accounting


    Report Scheduler


    SmartList Builder


    ML Checks


    Grant Management


    Payroll Integration to Payable


    Advanced Go Tos


    Certification Manager


    Employee Health and Wellness


    HITB Report


    Dynamics Online Services


    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/Dynamics.dic

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/Data/FORMS.DIC

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/Data/REPORTS.DIC

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/IM.DIC

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/IMFORMS.DIC

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/IMRPTS.DIC

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/fam.dic

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/Data/F309.DIC

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/Data/R309.DIC

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/ICONMFG.DIC

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/Data/ICONFRMS.DIC

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/Data/ICONRPTS.DIC

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/HR.DIC

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/Data/HRPFRMS.DIC

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/Data/HRPRPTS.DIC

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/SrvcAdv.DIC

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/Data/FRMS949.DIC

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/Data/RPTS949.DIC

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/IFund.dic

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/Data/1042FORM.DIC

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/Data/1042RPTS.DIC

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/D1045.DIC

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/Data/F1045.DIC

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/Data/R1045.DIC

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/EXP1493.dic

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/Data/EXP1493F.DIC

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/Data/EXP1493R.DIC

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/CFM.DIC

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/Data/CFMFORM.DIC

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/Data/CFMRPTS.DIC

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/TAUTIL.DIC

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/Data/F1838.DIC

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/Data/R1838.DIC

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/XLBudget.dic

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/Data/XL1878F.DIC

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/Data/XL1878R.DIC

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/HRMSS.DIC

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/Data/HRMSS-F.DIC

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/Data/HRMSS-R.DIC

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/POE2277.DIC

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/Data/POE2277F.DIC

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/Data/POE2277R.DIC

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/CAM2416.dic

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/Data/CAMFORM.DIC

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/Data/CAMRPTS.DIC

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/ECM2547.DIC

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/Data/ECM2547F.DIC

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/Data/ECM2547R.DIC

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/QK2992.DIC

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/Data/QDF2992.DIC

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/Data/QKR2992.DIC

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/AdvSecur.dic

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/Data/ADVS_FRM.DIC

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/Data/ADVS_RPT.DIC

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/AA.dic

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/Data/AA3180F.DIC

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/Data/AA3180R.DIC

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/RPTSCHED.dic

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/Data/F3278.DIC

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/Data/R3278.DIC

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/SLBuild.dic

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/Data/F3830.DIC

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/Data/R3830.DIC

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/MLChecks.dic

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/Data/4067F.DIC

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/Data/4067R.DIC

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/GTM4421.dic

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/Data/GTM4421F.DIC

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/Data/GTM4421R.DIC

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/PIP.dic

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/Data/PIP-F.DIC

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/Data/PIP-R.DIC

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/advgoto.dic

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/Data/F4612.DIC

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/Data/R4612.DIC

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/CLTM.DIC

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/Data/F4933.DIC

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/Data/R4933.DIC

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/EHW.DIC

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/Data/F4955.DIC

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/Data/R4955.DIC

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/HTB5597.DIC

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/Data/HTBF5597.DIC

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/Data/HTBR5597.DIC

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/DO6499.DIC

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/Data/DO6499F.DIC

    :C:Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Dynamics/GP2013/Data/DO6499R.DIC

  • Imad Kassoumah Profile Picture
    Imad Kassoumah 3,235 on at
    RE: GP 2013 crashes when clinking on save button on Asset General Information window

    Hi Leslie,

    I renamed the forms and reports but still getting the same problem. Yes it is APPCRASH as follow:-

    Problem signature:

     Problem Event Name: APPCRASH

     Application Name: Dynamics.exe

     Application Version:

     Application Timestamp: 50cb3ce8

     Fault Module Name: msvcrt.dll

     Fault Module Version: 7.0.7600.16385

     Fault Module Timestamp: 4a5bda6f

     Exception Code: c00000fd

     Exception Offset: 0000b4ac

     OS Version: 6.1.7600.

     Locale ID: 1033

     Additional Information 1: 3bde

     Additional Information 2: 3bde42b78261219b771449f38a7d5b8b

     Additional Information 3: da9c

     Additional Information 4: da9cd4384feb3dff2b3ee6e3cbc64541

    I do not have third party software.

    It's happening on the workstation as well as on the SQL server.

    I do not have SDT software I will to get it from our business partner.

    Thanks for your efforts and I will reply as soon as possible.

    Imad Kassoumah

  • L Vail Profile Picture
    L Vail 65,271 on at
    RE: GP 2013 crashes when clinking on save button on Asset General Information window


    I certainly understand about your not being able to post client details. I've also seen that lovely error message before, and yes, CRASH is the right word.

    Seriously, the first thing I would do is rename the forms and reports dictionaries just to get that option off of the table.

    You said it's only happening in one company, that points to a data problem. Is it happening for all users on all workstations? Does it happen at the SQL Server console?

    I would use  the Support Debugging Tool (SDT) to disable the dictionaries in the set file one at a time to see if some other product is causing the problem. I would also move the FA dictionary higher up in the .set file, that has sometimes eliminated someone else's trigger processing procedure stopping my code from running.

    Use the SDT to turn on your logs just before you hit the 'save' button. Turn it off after. I'd also turn it on just before you hit the save button for clicking the next record button. Take a look at the logs and see what's being called.

    The last time I had something odd like this happen it was a problem with SmartList builder based reminders.

    Kind regards,


  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: GP 2013 crashes when clinking on save button on Asset General Information window

    I am reporting this on behalf of one of your users and don't have a print screen of the error but I believe it says something like that GP has encountered a problem and needs to close.  When selecting the little drop box with the error to get more details, it states "APPCRASH" in the first line.  Our other company seems to work fine.  Sorry, I cannot post the contents of the Dynamics.Set file.  I am thinking it is either a security issue or possibly, like you mention, a dictionary issue.

  • L Vail Profile Picture
    L Vail 65,271 on at
    RE: GP 2013 crashes when clinking on save button on Asset General Information window

    Hi Imad,

    When you say 'crash', what is the error message or dialog that is presented as it's crashing? Or, does it just disappear from view?

    Many times odd errors are the culprits of modified form and/or report dictionaries. Even though it might seem unrelated, rename your F and R dictionaries and try it again.

    If you would post the contents of your dynamics.set file, it could be very helpful.

    Kind regards,


  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: GP 2013 crashes when clinking on save button on Asset General Information window

    Our company has the same issue.  Your workaround appears to work with us.  We do have some 3rd parties installed and was wondering if you had any.

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