On the surface this is a simple question, but I have a long-winded answer for you.
As long as you are using a shared reports dictionary, you just need to go to Microsoft Dynamics GP >> Tools >> Setup >> System >> Alternate/Modified Reports.
Enter the system password to open the window, then look up and select the ID used by your offsite users. Leave the "Product" set to "All Products" and set the "Type" to "Reports."
Next, expand the branches of the tree shown so that you can see which reports are assigned - either the original or the modified. Make the necessary changes so that your modified reports are assigned, and then click "Save."
Your users may have to log out and log back in, but they should be able to see your modifications now.
If you are not using a shared reports dictionary, it's a little more involved. In that case, probably the easiest thing to do would be to export the report from your dictionary into the dictionary used by your offsite users. However, my recommendation would be to contact your Dynamics GP partner to see if they can get all users on the same, shared reports dictionary. There are times when separate dictionaries are desirable or necessary, but in my experience, most businesses typically use a single, shared dictionary.
To export the report from your dictionary, go to Microsoft Dynamics GP >> Tools >> Customize >> Customization Maintenance. Locate the report(s) you wish to export (hold CTRL to select multiple reports) and click "Export." Save the file in a location the offsite users can access.
To import the report into their dictionary, first have all users log out of Dynamics GP. Then, login through the terminal server and go to Microsoft Dynamics GP >> Tools >> Customize >> Customization Maintenance and click "Import." Browse to the package file that you saved and then click "OK."
Lastly, follow the instructions at the very beginning of this post to make sure the users have access to the modified report(s).
I hope this helps. Good luck!