I want to configure D365 for Marketing trial instance along with my D365 Customer Engagement trial instance. I already have trial Office 365 tenant and D365 Cusotmer Engagement and when I'm trying to install D365 for Marketing Solution in it I'm getting following error. Can anybody tell me how to get D365 for Marketing trail instance now that Microsoft has removed marketing tile from trial.dynamics.com.?
Hi Megan,
I located in NAM region, now I got to know whats's the issue. Thanks for explaining.
Hi Sunny,
What Geo are you located in? If you are in NAM or CAN and have someone managed to download a trial, you will always get that error. If you are located in one of these regions, you would need to go through the concierge trial process and request a trial here. If you are located in another region, I would suggest that you delete the trial you have and then download a new trial and install from the Applications tab as described before. Just make sure that your browser language settings are for your local area.
Good luck!
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No Johnny, I don't see a marketing tail in any kind of browser. They might have removed it.
Hi Sunny,
Try to open the linkage with Edge browser. It should be there trials.dynamics.com/.../Signup
Hello Johnny,
Thanks for your quick response, the pending installation status is not moving from there. It just stays there and does nothing. Also, I can not find a tile called Dynamics 365 for Marketing on trials.dynamics.com/.../Signup form.I have been trying to install this Marketing Application and no luck so far.
Hello Megan,
Thanks for your quick response, I tried to do the same thing by running it from the Applications tab and I just keep on getting the following error.
Hi SunnyUSD,
I could only see the pending installation status of Marketing Module from your screenshot. Is the module installed failed?
In addition, you could still get the Marketing Trial Instance from https://trials.dynamics.com/Dynamics365/Signup/ except for Chrome Browser.
Hope the above would help.
Hi Sunny,
D365 for Marketing isn't like other Dynamics products in that you cannot install it on the Solutions tab. You must kick off the First Run Experience (FRE) from the Applications tab in order to install the product. The detailed steps can be found here. And just so you are aware, any updates that become available are also managed in the same way.
Good luck!
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