I'm using Dynamics 365 online v9.1.
Where emails are linked to a case I want to change the From to be the support queue and make sure they're not a recipient.
The From change is working perfectly.
The To (and CC) checks are working when the email form loads. When the email record is saved, the queue is added back as a To recipient. I have my function registered on form load only, not save. However I can't see any reference to the function being called on save using Fiddler or Console.
writeToConsole("Cycle To"); if (tos.length > 0)//tos !== null && //works with or without null check for (i = 0; i < tos.length; i++) { var _to = tos[i]; writeToConsole(_to); if (_to["id"].replace("{", "").replace("}", "") === queueId) { writeToConsole("Remove queue from To"); tos.splice(i, 1); upTo = true; } else { writeToConsole("no match"); writeToConsole(_to["id"]); writeToConsole(queue[0].id); } } if (upTo) { writeToConsole("Update Tos"); Xrm.Page.getAttribute("to").setValue(null);// doesn't seem to matter Xrm.Page.getAttribute("to").setValue(tos); }
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