Re: GP 2010: Apply Cash to Invoice Line Items
On a similar tone, we have a customer who produces a 'Statement/Invoice'. This lists all of the sales transactions on a customers account since the last statement was run.
At the bottom of the Statement/Invoice, the VAT for all of the invoices is summarised, and an 'Invoice' total is printed etc.
The top half displays the different invoices (each has only one line) - but the whole looks like a normal invoice. And each line gets paid seperately.
But it does mean putting only one line on each SOP invoice (or multiple lines if they are going to be paid together) as Victoria says.
Another customer prints their sales invoice lines to XL and stores it as an attachment in the document OLE container. When they receive cash, they update the relevant XL sheet. They do more in the XL file than just track the cash applies, so it makes sense for them to keep a file they can play around with.
Have you looked at Scheduled installments? Could this be of any use?