I have been trying to implement CRM -365 customization using AngularJS, but having some issues a quick solution or reply in this regards is requested.
1) while storing the value for lookup I am using following lines of code, but not able to save the lookup value.
parentOpportunity is name of the field which is of type look up referencing to opportunity with relationship in opportunity_opportunity_parentOpportunity name.
var UsedData = "/opportunities(" + $scope.OppModel['parentopportunity_id'] + ")";
$scope.OppModel.parentOpportunity = [];
"id" :$scope.OppModel.parentopportunity_id, [this contains the current opportunity id]
"name": $scope.OppModel.parentopportunity, [name of parent opportunity ]
"entityType": $scope.OppModel.enityname, [name of entity]
"@odata.bind": UsedData [to bind the data]
error generated is :
a) A node of type 'StartArray' was read from the JSON reader when trying to read the contents of the property 'parentOpportunity'; however, a 'StartObject' node or 'PrimitiveValue' node with null value was expected.
b) Does not support untyped value in non-open type
2) I am trying to store currency fields by parsing the field as a decimal but still getting the error
before patch I am converting the field to float (0.00).
("Cannot convert a value to target type 'Edm.Decimal' because of conflict between input format string/number and parameter 'IEEE754Compatible' false/true." )