Our customer on GP18R2 has been using GP since GP7. They now want to implement the Fixed Assets module. They are currently using a half year method outside of GP. They are fiscal year 7/1 - 6/30. Here are two sample assets and how they want them to depreciate (monthly).
New asset 9/15/19 for $36,000 3 yr, so $12,000/yr, $1,000 month. When they enter the 9/15/19 date in service with half year (or modified half year?) they want $1,000/mo depreciation to begin 7/1/19 - 9/30/19, then $1,000 month thereafter.
Same asset with date of service 4/15/20 - they want it to back post to 1/1/20 - 4/30/20 at $1,000/mo and each month thereafter.
That being said - both half year conventions in GP don't seem to back post to the beginning of the half year. Can this be accomplished with using a switch in the depreciation method? Or some other way?
Any guidance is greatly appreciated!
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