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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

GP New Company Setup - Account Format Max Segments

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Posted on by Microsoft Employee

I am trying to setup a new GP company for a customer.  They would like to start with 5 segments, with the ability to later add a 6th segment.  However, when I configure the new company via GP Utilities and enter 6 segments for the Max value, a 6th segment is automatically created.  Is there a way to setup the company with 5 segments and later add a 6th when the customer is wants it?  Or is there no way to have fewer segments than the Max value specified? I know you can have fewer segments than the max value, but have only seen this when the account format defaults are used. The customer's requirements do not allow for using the default COA.


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  • Suggested answer
    Perry Smith - CRi Profile Picture
    Perry Smith - CRi 1,692 on at
    RE: GP New Company Setup - Account Format Max Segments

    Your are doing it the correct way.  What you put in Utilities is the max segments.  You can then go into each company and change the max segments from 6 to 5.  when you are ready to add the 6th you can do it then.

  • Suggested answer
    twelvestrikes Profile Picture
    twelvestrikes 3,657 on at
    RE: GP New Company Setup - Account Format Max Segments

    Hi Opster

    The account format can be setup per company.  What you setup here, has to be within the maximums that were setup in the account framework when Dynamics GP was installed.

    The account format setup can be found at Microsoft Dynamics GP > tools > setup > company > account format

    You will see two fields greyed out, Maximum account length and maximum segments.  These were setup when Dynamics GP was installed.

    In the Account length field you can enter the amount of characters you will need for all segments (don't include segment separators).

    The segments field is where you enter the number of segments you require which from above is 5. So if your Maximum segments is 5 or higher you are ok.  If not, advise and I will tell you what to do.

    Once you enter these fields in the lower window, you will see the segments where you can enter the length of each segment.  Note that you cannot exceed the Max. Length amount which will be based on the value you entered in Account Length.

    Assume you want to add another segment, you would then change the segment value from 5 to 6. The new segment will be added to the bottom of the list.

    If you wanted the new segment to be earlier in the string, then I would add it now and just use zeros for now as place holders and then use numbers when you are ready for the segment to be used

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