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Session Id :
Microsoft Dynamics RMS (Archived)


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Posted on by Microsoft Employee

Can anyone advise if I am able to get access to the configuration server without a password. Both my supplier and maintenance firm have long gone out of business and I was not supplied with the server password. I have since had a HDD failure and was looking if I was able to download my configuration on to a new HDD that I was having fitted.

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  • TheNeos Profile Picture
    TheNeos 1,339 on at
    RE: server


    I assume the dead HDD is the one in POS that the cash register is attached. This is also your server.

    Assuming that you have a backed up database... 

    Reinstall from RMS original disk the SQL server and when prompted supply the server password. This is not the same as your database. When asked click mixed connecting mode, that is connect to server via Windows or Server authentication.

    Reinstall RMS and supply the key that is on the disk or documentation if asked.

    Open RMS Administrator and connect via server authentication (may be SQL authentication). you need to provide the correct server name on top (click the drop down button to see what is available), and databse file Master.mdf, connect.

    Once connected, go to Select > Create database and follow the prompts to restore your back up.

    Once restored, select this new database and go Configuration > Test connection (here supply the server name and new file name correctly).

    If connection is successful close Administrator and open Manager. Now you should be able to see your old data. Then you have to run POS here you will need to talk to Microsoft to give a verification key if you don't have it. You may need to reset paths, balance, register what ever attached to it.

    Then you have to check your network and connection to server so that the back office can connect.

    Good luck

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: server

    Sorry I am not very technical and perhaps did not explain myself very well. Following a repair to my Epos System I was hoping that I could reload my software on to the new HDD. My system included a back office computer that was connected to the Till via a router. The only RMS details that I can find on the back office computer is three items on the Start Menu. Microsoft Dynamics RMS, Microsoft SQL Server and Store Ops POS. None of these show any form of software that I had on the Till. Within one of the above it gives me an option to open Administrator and from there to connect to the server. However, nothing appears to connect to anything and when I click "Connect" I receive a box that includes a line to enter a password that I do not have. I was assuming that I had to connect to the server to either configure the program for the Till or to copy what has already been configured. I have a Disc "Microsoft Dynamics Retail Management System Store Operations but this appears to be exactly what is on the back office computer. At this time as far as I am aware the old HDD would not Start Up nor even load "Windows" so I assume it will be useless. The bottom line is that I was hoping to reload my Software on to the Epos Till once repaired. It is currently with the Manufacturer (Aures) who only do "Hardware" and has nothing to do with any "Software"

  • TheNeos Profile Picture
    TheNeos 1,339 on at
    RE: server


    It is not really clear what you are asking.

    If HDD is dead assume no data is recoverable then every thing have to be re-installed to new HDD. You would need to talk to Microsoft for new key to POS. RMS, SQL don't need new key.

    If you are asking how to get into SQL server because the unknown PW, and have Studio, select the database and security and type a new PW.

    If old HDD still works clone it to new and install new to the computer's primary drive. NOTE that cloning will also carry over the software problems or infections that the old drive had. But no need for any keys.

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