query 50202 generalLedger
APIGroup = 'powerBI';
APIPublisher = 'xxx';
APIVersion = 'v1.0';
EntityName = 'generalLedger';
EntitySetName = 'generalLedger';
QueryType = API;
DataAccessIntent = ReadOnly;
dataitem(gLEntry; "G/L Entry")
column(systemModifiedAt; SystemModifiedAt)
{ }
column(glAccountNo; "G/L Account No.")
{ }
column(documentType; "Document Type")
{ }
column(documentNumber; "Document No.")
{ }
column(sourceType; "Source Type")
{ }
column(sourceNo; "Source No.")
{ }
column(sourceCode; "Source Code")
{ }
column(dimensionSetID; "Dimension Set ID")
{ }
column(postingDate; "Posting Date")
{ }
column(amount; Amount)
{ Method = Sum; }
column(creditAmount; "Credit Amount")
{ Method = Sum; }
column(debitAmount; "Debit Amount")
{ Method = Sum; }
trigger OnBeforeOpen()
Remove/Add any columns you might need.
For en EOM dates, do that in Power Query. Add a calculated column in PQ that calculates the EOM, and then a group.