Some of our customers bring their own containers for bulk food items, so we accommodate variable tares. We have a separate item record for the tare, and the cashier provides both the weight of the tare and the price for it (i.e., it's flagged as Cashier Must Enter Price). Some containers weigh a pound or two, so they are price-sensitive.
The tare item is rung up immediately after the associated bulk-food item, and the price is entered as the negative of the bulk-food price. We use a keyboard macro to accomplish this, so it isn't as terrible as it sounds.
Here's the problem. We are a member-owned co-op, so most of our customers get a discount. The discount rate varies. If the discount rate has been set before the bulk-food item and its tare item are rung up, the price of the bulk-food item is already discounted. That discounted price is picked up by the keyboard macro, and then the tare price is discounted again by RMS. Double discount!
The obvious solution is to flag the tare item as Not Discountable, but that just introduces a different problem. Then, if the customer is set AFTER the bulk-food item and its tare are rung up, the tare is using the undiscounted price.
Apart from enforcing a particular practice as to when the cashier accepts the member card, can anyone suggest a better way to handle variable tares in a customer-discount environment?
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