after 01.10.2019 we can not resubmitt documents in NAV 2016 in our client (SII version 1.1). I have got error message:
“El campo TipoImpositivo debe estar informado con valor distinto de 0 si el campo TipoNoExenta tiene un valor S1 y ClaveRegimenEspecialOTranscedencia o ClaveRegimenEspecialOTrascendenciaAdicional con valor distinto a 03,05,09,16”. We have imported 47 cumulative update which was for SII and NAV 2016, bus still it is not working.
Is there anyone who knows what the problem is? I did not find any new updates to NAV, I did not find any new fields to complete in the documents. I will be grateful for help.
Best regards,