Is there a way to configure out of the box GP to not allow a user id to have the ability to approve a GL Batch, in GP2015 RTM. I understand that I need to set the approval posting rules and pw under Microsoft Dynamics GP> Tools > Setup > Posting > Posting for each series and origin that I require batch approval and that I can secure users out of the posting setup window. But if possible we would prefer if the security could be handled via role/task/operation. If out of the box GP can't handle this, any 3rd parties? Another quick question, I understand that task TRX_FIN_*002 allows an end user to have access to the batch window, but does not have access to post and the TRX_FIN_*003 allows access to the series post window and the ability to post, however we took access off of TRX_FIN_*003 and the end user was still able to post, can anyone tell me what other task or operation might be allowing the end user to post? Can workflow be used to not allow batch approvals?
Thank you!
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