Hi there,
I have a requirement that when i'm creating a transfer order and when i click on add in transfer line and selected a item, location,qunaitity will be 1 by defalut and i'm not changing it and when i clicked on save it has to validate that 1 quantity is available in the repective warehouse location if it is there it has to do normal standard functionality if it is not available it has to prompt a dialog box with YES Cancel button if i click on cancel it has to delete that line from that transfer order. I have written a code but it is not deleting the line. Kindly, please help me on achieving this requirement and i have written coc on form data source validatewrite() method of inventtransferline formdatasorce.
public boolean validateWrite() { boolean ret = true; next validateWrite(); InventTransferLine inventTransferLine = this.cursor(); InventTable inventTable; InventTransferTable inventTransferTable; InventDim inventDim; InventDimParm invDimParm; Qty availPhys; DialogButton diagbut; select firstonly inventTable where inventTable.ItemId == inventTransferLine.ItemId join inventDim where inventDim.inventDimId == inventTransferLine.InventDimId join inventTransferTable where inventTransferTable.TransferId == inventTransferLine.TransferId; invDimParm.initFromInventDim(InventDim::find(inventDim.inventDimId)); availPhys = InventSum::findSum(inventTransferLine.ItemId,inventDim,invDimParm).availPhysicalCalculated(); if(inventTransferLine.QtyTransfer == 1 && availPhys == 0) { if(inventTable.customfield1 == NoYes::Yes) { diagbut = Box::okCancel(strFmt("@PG001004",inventTable.customfieldItemNumber),DialogButton::Cancel,"@SYS117647"); if (diagbut == DialogButton::Ok) { inventTransferLine.ItemId = inventTable.customfieldItemNumber; ret = true; } else if (diagbut == DialogButton::Cancel) { ttsbegin; inventTransferLine.doDelete(); ttscommit; //this.research(true); this.refresh(); ret = false; } } } return ret; }
Hi, Does it even create a transfer line. I think you are trying to delete transfer order lines which is not yet created. How about preventing creation of line and throwing error that no enough quantity available.
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