Hi All
I have one GP10 App server running OS Windows2003 Server and second SQL2005 server running OS Windows2003 Server.
1) Installation of MR completed Sucessfully.(Prequesit ask for MSdatabaseengine.EXE)downloaded and installed
2) IIS installed and Restarted server.
3) While running Configure Management Report -->selected GP Legacy
4) Gave require paramter for server\instance 'sa' user id and password for creating new MR database
5) Application server: port 4712
6) Dynamics GP Connection information
Databaseserver : servername\instance , username 'sa' and password given (tried copy paste from text file)
But while selecting Database Error message " Couldn't retireve the list of available databases: The connection attempt failed'
I have change GP conection information to various other servers but getting same error message . May some component missing? or
If any one has experienced of installation of MR2012 CU6 on GP10(Windows2003 server) and SQL2005(Windows2003 server),
Please share your experience to complete installation.
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