Hi! In the production floor execution the clock is showed and for me it looks fine. When I register jobs and look into the raw registrations, the time is 1 hour after. I mean that I have seen a parameter telling that it is the time on the server that is used but now I cannot find it. Where is that parameter? Thank you in advance!
I think I was a little unclear. I mean that I am in a time zone and when using the production floor execution, there is a time in the clock and that is the correct time for me. When I use the functionality in the clock, there are lines created in the time and attendence for my user. The lines registered and also the raw registrations is getting time 1 hour less. If I clock in 7:00, it is seen like 6:00 in the registrations. Whys is it like this? I mean that I somehow have seen a parameter saying that the time from the server should be used but not I cannot find this. I mean that it is confusing if you do not have your correct time in the registrations because if you want to change something it is a big risk to correct wrong.
I found it and I knew I had seen it before but I was too fast looking. It is in Time and registration parameters// Get registration time from 'Legal entity'