report 50129 /Report for multiple tables/
//Make the report serachable fro Tell me
UsageCategory = Administration;
ApplicationArea = All;
//Use RDL layout
DefaultLayout = RDLC;
//Specify the name of the file that the report will use
RDLCLayout = 'MyRDLReport.rdl';
dataitem(Customer; Customer)
//Sort table view based on the No. field
DataItemTableView = Sorting(/No./);
//Include the No. field in the filter tab
RequestFilterFields = /No./;
//print data only if at least one of the CustLedgerEntry and sales header items generates output
PrintOnlyIfDetail = true;
column(No_Customer; /No./)
//Include the caption of No. field
IncludeCaption = true;
column(Name_Customer; Name)
//Include the caption of No. field
IncludeCaption = true;
column(Phone_Customer; /Phone No./)
//Include the caption of No. field
IncludeCaption = true;
column(Address_Customer; Address)
//Include the caption of No. field
IncludeCaption = true;
column(EMail_Customer; /E-Mail/)
//Include the caption of No. field
IncludeCaption = true;
dataitem(CustLedger; /Cust. Ledger Entry/)
DataItemTableView = sorting(/Entry no./);
// DataItemLinkReference = Customer;
DataItemLink = /Customer No./ = field(/No./);
column(EntryNo_CustLedgerEntry; /Entry No./)
IncludeCaption = true;
column(CustomerNo_CustLedgerEntry; /Customer No./)
IncludeCaption = true;
column(PostingDate_CustLedgerEntry; /Posting Date/)
IncludeCaption = true;
column(DocumentType_CustLedgerEntry; /Document Type/)
IncludeCaption = true;
column(DocumentNo_CustLedgerEntry; /Document No./)
IncludeCaption = true;
column(Description_CustLedgerEntry; Description)
IncludeCaption = true;
column(CurrencyCode_CustLedgerEntry; /Currency Code/)
IncludeCaption = true;
column(Amount_CustLedgerEntry; Amount)
IncludeCaption = true;
column(OriginalAmtLCY_CustLedgerEntry; /Original Amt. (LCY)/)
IncludeCaption = true;
column(RemainingAmtLCY_CustLedgEntry; /Remaining Amt. (LCY)/)
IncludeCaption = true;
dataitem(DetCustLedger; /Detailed Cust. Ledg. Entry/)
DataItemTableView = sorting(/entry no./);
//DataItemLinkReference = CustLedger;
DataItemLink = /Cust. Ledger Entry No./ = field(/Entry No./), /Customer No./ = field(/Customer No./);
column(EntryNo_DetailedCustLedgEntry; /Entry No./)
IncludeCaption = true;
column(EntryType_DetailedCustLedgEntry; /Entry Type/)
IncludeCaption = true;
column(PostingDate_DetailedCustLedgEntry; /Posting Date/)
IncludeCaption = true;
column(DocumentType_DetailedCustLedgEntry; /Document Type/)
IncludeCaption = true;
column(DocumentNo_DetailedCustLedgEntry; /Document No./)
IncludeCaption = true;
column(AmountLCY_DetailedCustLedgEntry; /Amount (LCY)/)
IncludeCaption = true;
column(TransactionNo_DetailedCustLedgEntry; /Transaction No./)
IncludeCaption = true;
column(JournalBatchName_DetailedCustLedgEntry; /Journal Batch Name/)
IncludeCaption = true;
column(DebitAmountLCY_DetailedCustLedgEntry; /Debit Amount (LCY)/)
IncludeCaption = true;
column(CreditAmountLCY_DetailedCustLedgEntry; /Credit Amount (LCY)/)
IncludeCaption = true;
dataitem(SalesHeader; /Sales Header/)
DataItemTableView = sorting(/Document Type/, /No./);
DataItemLinkReference = Customer;
DataItemLink = /Sell-to Customer No./ = field(/No./);
column(DocumentType_SalesHeader; /Document Type/)
IncludeCaption = true;
column(No_SalesHeader; /No./)
IncludeCaption = true;
column(PostingDate_SalesHeader; /Posting Date/)
IncludeCaption = true;
column(PricesIncludingVAT_SalesHeader; /Prices Including VAT/)
IncludeCaption = true;
column(Amount_SalesHeader; Amount)
IncludeCaption = true;
//These labels will be used later as captions in the report layout.
Sales_Document_Caption = 'Sales Documents';
Total_Caption = 'Total';