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seeing the customer journey of a task generated within that journey

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Posted on by Microsoft Employee

Helllo friends,

WIthin the creation of a customer journey, it is possible to generate tasks and when you do this, those tasks are created at go live and are linked to the contacts of the segment you have specified in the journey. But what I would like to know if there is a possibility to see which customer journey has created those tasks.

So I want to see on the task from which customer journey this task was generated.

Can anyone help with this, please?



  • Suggested answer
    Nya Profile Picture
    Nya 29,058 on at
    RE: seeing the customer journey of a task generated within that journey

    Hi Nico,

    As the Task entity is not related to the Customer Journey entity and using Customer Journey to create a Task simply means that the contact is set as the regarding field for the Task, the default criteria cannot be used to find the Customer Journey that created the Task.

    I have tried to update the contact record first and then update the task record but failed.

    Instead of setting up complicated steps to automatically set Journey to a field in Contact or Task, it's better to change it manually.

    You have to:

    1. Create a Lookup field in Contact and Task entity which is related to Customer Journey.
    2. Create a dynamic segment to filter out the contacts who have participated a certain journey.
    3. Create a new journey and use an on-demand workflow to update the contacts, populating the field with the original journey.
    4. Create a workflow to update the tasks with the journey of the regarding contacts.

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