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activity (due) filter doesnt get saved for later

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Hi together,

we are using d365 on premise and using the unified interface and facing the following problem:

on the activity main grid I can set the due


When I now open an activity and go back to the grid it wont save the choice I made and it always resets back to standard view.
In the legacy mode it works. I know it will propably work in the cloud, but is there a way to make it in our system working?

Thanks for any help.


  • McDauly Profile Picture
    McDauly 219 on at
    RE: activity (due) filter doesnt get saved for later

    Microsoft Dynamics 365

    -Version 1612 ( (DB lokal

  • RE: activity (due) filter doesnt get saved for later

    Hi Partner

    May I ask which version of CRM on-premises you are using currently, is this behavior has been observed since the time you started using UCI?

  • McDauly Profile Picture
    McDauly 219 on at
    RE: activity (due) filter doesnt get saved for later

    1. Going to the activity Page

    2. Due standard is "all", Setting it for example to due "tomorrow or earlier"

    3. klicking into an activity

    4. Going back to the activity page and the filter is reseted to  "all" instead of due "tomorrow or earlier". it doesnt remember the last choice.

    but only in unified interface. in the legacy it works.

  • Suggested answer
    Wahaj Rashid Profile Picture
    Wahaj Rashid 11,321 on at
    RE: activity (due) filter doesnt get saved for later


    Thank you for your query.

    I am not able to reproduce this issue, can you please share the exact steps?

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