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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

econnect error 799 Tax table detail does not equal the tax amount

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Using the code below to push in SOP invoices.    Getting an error 799, but I dont see the issue here.

Any ideas?

EXECUTE @RCout =BOAAU.[dbo].[taSopLineIvcInsert] @I_vSOPTYPE='3', @I_vSOPNUMBE='testing ', @I_vCUSTNMBR='HONDA002 ', @I_vDOCDATE='09/01/2014', @I_vUSERDATE='01/01/1900', @I_vLOCNCODE='MAIN ', @I_vITEMNMBR='Services - Data Assessment (AP', @I_vAutoAssignBin='0', @I_vUNITPRCE='433.83', @I_vXTNDPRCE='433.83', @I_vQUANTITY='1.00', @I_vMRKDNAMT='0.00', @I_vUNITCOST='0.00', @I_vITEMDESC='Data Assessment (APJ) - Expenses ', @I_vTAXAMNT='0.00', @I_vQTYONHND='0.00', @I_vQTYRTRND='0.00', @I_vQTYINUSE='0.00', @I_vQTYINSVC='0.00', @I_vQTYDMGED='0.00', @I_vNONINVEN='1', @I_vLNITMSEQ='0', @I_vDROPSHIP='0', @I_vQTYTBAOR='0.00', @I_vIVITMTXB='0', @I_vEXCEPTIONALDEMAND='0', @I_vReqShipDate='01/01/1900', @I_vFUFILDAT='01/01/1900', @I_vACTLSHIP='01/01/1900', @I_vINVINDX='150-59010-000', @I_vCSLSINDX='150-59010-000', @I_vSLSINDX='150-43500-000', @I_vAUTOALLOCATESERIAL='0', @I_vAUTOALLOCATELOT='0', @I_vINTEGRATIONSOURCE='0', @I_vRequesterTrx='0', @I_vQTYCANCE='0.00', @I_vQTYFULFI='1.00', @I_vALLOCATE='0', @I_vUpdateIfExists='0', @I_vRecreateDist='0', @I_vQUOTEQTYTOINV='0.00', @I_vTOTALQTY='0.00', @I_vKitCompMan='0', @I_vDEFPRICING='0', @I_vDEFEXTPRICE='0', @I_vCURNCYID='Z-AUD ', @I_vIncludePromo='0', @I_vCKCreditLimit='0', @I_vQtyShrtOpt='2', @O_iErrorState=@o_IerrorStateout OUTPUT, @oErrString =@OErrStringout OUTPUT
EXECUTE @RCout =BOAAU.[dbo].[taSopLineIvcInsert] @I_vSOPTYPE='3', @I_vSOPNUMBE='testing ', @I_vCUSTNMBR='HONDA002 ', @I_vDOCDATE='09/01/2014', @I_vUSERDATE='01/01/1900', @I_vLOCNCODE='MAIN ', @I_vITEMNMBR='Services - Data Assessment (AP', @I_vAutoAssignBin='0', @I_vUNITPRCE='40000.00', @I_vXTNDPRCE='40000.00', @I_vQUANTITY='1.00', @I_vMRKDNAMT='0.00', @I_vUNITCOST='0.00', @I_vITEMDESC='Data Assessment (APJ) - Services ', @I_vTAXAMNT='0.00', @I_vQTYONHND='0.00', @I_vQTYRTRND='0.00', @I_vQTYINUSE='0.00', @I_vQTYINSVC='0.00', @I_vQTYDMGED='0.00', @I_vNONINVEN='1', @I_vLNITMSEQ='0', @I_vDROPSHIP='0', @I_vQTYTBAOR='0.00', @I_vIVITMTXB='0', @I_vEXCEPTIONALDEMAND='0', @I_vReqShipDate='01/01/1900', @I_vFUFILDAT='01/01/1900', @I_vACTLSHIP='01/01/1900', @I_vINVINDX='150-59010-000', @I_vCSLSINDX='150-59010-000', @I_vSLSINDX='150-42010-000', @I_vAUTOALLOCATESERIAL='0', @I_vAUTOALLOCATELOT='0', @I_vINTEGRATIONSOURCE='0', @I_vRequesterTrx='0', @I_vQTYCANCE='0.00', @I_vQTYFULFI='1.00', @I_vALLOCATE='0', @I_vUpdateIfExists='0', @I_vRecreateDist='0', @I_vQUOTEQTYTOINV='0.00', @I_vTOTALQTY='0.00', @I_vKitCompMan='0', @I_vDEFPRICING='0', @I_vDEFEXTPRICE='0', @I_vCURNCYID='Z-AUD ', @I_vIncludePromo='0', @I_vCKCreditLimit='0', @I_vQtyShrtOpt='2', @O_iErrorState=@o_IerrorStateout OUTPUT, @oErrString =@OErrStringout OUTPUT
EXECUTE @RCout =BOAAU.[dbo].[taSopHdrIvcInsert] @I_vSOPTYPE='3', @I_vDOCID='SOFTWARE ', @I_vSOPNUMBE='testing ', @I_vORIGTYPE='0', @I_vTAXAMNT='4043.38', @I_vLOCNCODE='MAIN ', @I_vDOCDATE='09/01/2014', @I_vFREIGHT='0.00', @I_vMISCAMNT='0.00', @I_vTRDISAMT='0.00', @I_vDISTKNAM='0.00', @I_vMRKDNAMT='0.00', @I_vCUSTNMBR='HONDA002 ', @I_vSUBTOTAL='40433.83', @I_vDOCAMNT='44477.21', @I_vPYMTRCVD='0.00', @I_vBACHNUMB='KASHONDA9.23.20', @I_vFRTTXAMT='0.00', @I_vMSCTXAMT='0.00', @I_vORDRDATE='01/01/1900', @I_vMSTRNUMB='0', @I_vPYMTRMID='Net 30 ', @I_vDUEDATE='01/01/1900', @I_vDISCDATE='01/01/1900', @I_vUSINGHEADERLEVELTAXES='1', @I_vCREATECOMM='0', @I_vCOMMAMNT='0.00', @I_vCOMPRCNT='0.00', @I_vCREATEDIST='0', @I_vCREATETAXES='0', @I_vDEFTAXSCHDS='1', @I_vCURNCYID='Z-AUD ', @I_vXCHGRATE='0.0000000', @I_vEXPNDATE='01/01/1900', @I_vEXCHDATE='01/01/1900', @I_vRATEEXPR='0', @I_vDYSTINCR='0', @I_vRATEVARC='0.0000000', @I_vTRXDTDEF='0', @I_vRTCLCMTD='0', @I_vPRVDSLMT='0', @I_vDATELMTS='0', @I_vTIME1='01/01/1900', @I_vDISAVAMT='0.00', @I_vDSCDLRAM='0.00', @I_vDSCPCTAM='0.00', @I_vFREIGTBLE='0', @I_vMISCTBLE='0', @I_vINTEGRATIONSOURCE='0', @I_vReqShipDate='01/01/1900', @I_vRequesterTrx='0', @I_vCKCreditLimit='0', @I_vCKHOLD='0', @I_vUpdateExisting='0', @I_vQUOEXPDA='01/01/1900', @I_vQUOTEDAT='01/01/1900', @I_vINVODATE='01/01/1900', @I_vBACKDATE='01/01/1900', @I_vRETUDATE='01/01/1900', @I_vDEFPRICING='0', @I_vREPTING='0', @I_vTRXFREQU='0', @I_vTIMETREP='0', @I_vQUOTEDYSTINCR='0', @O_iErrorState=@o_IerrorStateout OUTPUT, @oErrString =@OErrStringout OUTPUT

*This post is locked for comments

  • Sigerist Profile Picture
    Sigerist 15 on at
    RE: econnect error 799 Tax table detail does not equal the tax amount

    Hi Steve,

    Thank you for your answer.

    I am using the stored procedures.

    I found the reason why the BKOUTTAX is set in 1. It's a configuration in the tax detail. When you set in the tax that the item price include the taxes the BKOUTTAX field is set to 1 instead of 0 in the SOP10105.

  • steveendow Profile Picture
    steveendow 2,281 on at
    RE: econnect error 799 Tax table detail does not equal the tax amount

    Hi @Sigerist,

    Unfortunately I don't know what the BKOUTTAX field does or why it would be set to 1 instead of 0.  When I query SOP10105, all of my records in the Fabrikam company have a value of 0.

    Are you using the eConnect .NET assembly to insert your transaction?  Or are you using the stored procedures?

  • Sigerist Profile Picture
    Sigerist 15 on at
    RE: econnect error 799 Tax table detail does not equal the tax amount

    Hi Steve,

    I'm having the same error as Peter, I'm using the taSopLineIvcTaxInsert, but I run your query after use it and the BKOUTTAX field is in 1 not in 0, I guess thats why I'm geting that error.  Any suggestion on how to fix it?

  • steveendow Profile Picture
    steveendow 2,281 on at
    RE: econnect error 799 Tax table detail does not equal the tax amount

    Hi Peter,

    Error 799 appears to be triggered by taSopeHdrIvcInsert when the following condition occurs:


    @TAXAMNTL is obtained with the following query against SOP10105:

    select @TAXAMNTL = isnull(sum(STAXAMNT + FRTTXAMT + MSCTXAMT),
    from SOP10105 (nolock)
    where SOPTYPE = @I_vSOPTYPE
    and LNITMSEQ = 0
    and BKOUTTAX = 0

    Since you are sending in @I_vTAXAMNT='4043.38' for your invoice header, I am wondering if you don't also need to call taSopLineIvcTaxInsert to populate SOP10105.

    As an aside, why not just use the eConnect .NET assembly instead of calling the procs directly?

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