I'm trying to create a special order for an item that is not stocked, so it always require a purchase order to be created when a sale order is created.
On sales order, I have assigned a purchasing code SPEC ORDER, and created a Special order Purchase order using requisition worksheet. When the order is crated, the system defaults the Ship-to address to customer, and if I try to change to company, I get the error below.
If I try to create a special order line directly from a purchase order, by action "get sales order lines", then the list is filtered by sell-to customer no. and nothing will appear in the sales order list if the ship-to address is the company address.
The above behaviour is expected for drop shipment, but not for special as per the manual below. Is this a bug?
I'm using version 19.5.36567.36634, and also tried on the 20.0.36751.0 (Preview), and same problem is present.
How to Create Special Orders - Business Central | Microsoft Docs