I'm new in programming in AL ( and programming in general )
I have created a page to save some value related to an item (TDS Card)
page 95121 "TDS Card" { PageType = Card; SourceTable = "TDS"; layout { area(content) { group("SPECIFICATION DU PRODUIT") { field("Ingrédients"; Rec."Ingrédients") { ApplicationArea = All; MultiLine = true; } field("Allergènes"; Rec."Allergènes") { ApplicationArea = All; } field("OGM"; Rec."OGM") { ApplicationArea = All; } field("Ionisation"; Rec."Ionisation") { ApplicationArea = All; } field("DLC"; Rec."DLC") { ApplicationArea = All; } field("Conservation"; Rec."Conservation") { ApplicationArea = All; MultiLine = true; } field("Utilisation/préparation"; Rec."Utilprép") { ApplicationArea = All; MultiLine = true; } field("Législation"; Rec."Législation") { ApplicationArea = All; } field("Remarques"; Rec."Remarques") { ApplicationArea = All; MultiLine = true; } } group("CARACTERISTIQUE ORGANOLEPTIQUE DU PRODUIT") { field("Article"; Rec."Article") { ApplicationArea = basic; trigger OnLookup(var Text: Text): Boolean var ItemRec: Record Item; begin ItemRec.Reset(); if Page.RunModal(Page::"Item List", ItemRec) = action::LookupOK then Rec.Article := ItemRec."No."; end; } field("Odeur"; Rec."Odeur") { ApplicationArea = All; } field("Couleur"; Rec."Couleur") { ApplicationArea = All; } field("Saveur"; Rec."Saveur") { ApplicationArea = All; } } } } }
The page is working fine but i want to link the card directly from my item card
So i would like to create an option called "TDS" on main item card page that will open (or create if not exist) the new card (page 95121) and directly past the value N° "F00002" in this example to the field "Article"
In my table the field "Article" is the PK
Thanks a lot for your help.
Phil the newbie ;-)