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Microsoft Dynamics SL (Archived)

Customize Dynamics SL to include a button to find a path where I want to find a file

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Posted on by Microsoft Employee

I need to customize a screen to have a button that when the customer cliks it, he gets a new window where he can choose the path where a file is localized.

Something like the Browse button on the Generate Control Files.

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  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    Re: Customize Dynamics SL to include a button to find a path where I want to find a file

    Thank you Barry, I'll try your sugestion

  • Barry Flynn Profile Picture
    Barry Flynn 3,090 on at
    Re: Customize Dynamics SL to include a button to find a path where I want to find a file

    Here's a possible approach.

    Go into Customize mode, and add your button.

    Go into VBA Editor

    Right Click on Modues, and choose Insert/UserForm

    You now have a Form, and a ToolBox

    Is there a common dialogue control in the toolbox?

    If not, click on Tools/Additional Controls

    Scroll down the list to Microsoft Common Dialog Control

    Select it, and click OK

    Now it should be in the toolbox.

    Now place that control on the form.

    You should now have

    (a) a button on the Solomon Form

    (b) a "VBA form", containing the Common Dialog control

    You will probably need to add other controls to your new VBA form - possibly a text box for the filename, a Browse button, a Close button.

    You will now need to write some code to:-

    - in the new "Solomon Form" button's Click event -  display the VBA form

    - In the VBA form's Browse button, "do Common Dialog stuff"

    - And a bit of general housekeeping code

    Hope tha's some use...


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