RE: Posted Date - Purchasing
There may be some misunderstanding about all of the dates. The 'posted date' is the system date of when you pushed the Post button. The field name is posteddt in both the PM20000 and PM30200 tables.
The General Ledger Posting date is provided by the user, it defaults to the User Date, but can be changed. The field name is pstgdate in both the PM20000 and PM30200 tables.
Once the vendor invoice is posted. Those two dates do not change. The invoice has a posted and posting date, and the payment has a posted and posting date. The 'posted date' is not updated to the payment date, ever.
When the payment is applied, a record is written to the PM30300 table. That table has its own assortment of dates. the glpostdt is the GL Posting date for when the payment was applied to the invoice. If you had also written an amount off during the apply, the write off would posting to the general ledger according to the glpostdt. If you don't write anything off, this date is used by the Historical Aged Trial Balance when you print it according to GL Posting date. The Apply Date used by the payables module is the 'Apply Date' that you set on the apply window. These dates are completely separate from the dates in the PM20000 or PM30200 tables.
It doesn't matter if you use a batch or not. If you are posting by Batch Date, the the date on the batch is the posting date. If you do not use a batch, or are posting according to document date, then the posting date will be inherited from the document date. However, this is a completely different date and can be changed by the user such that your GL Posting Date is different from your Document Date no matter how you post.
The dates used by the payables module are not as straight forward as you initially think. Consider how many dates are involved - can you describe them all? The PM Open Table (PM20000) contains 10 date fields, the PM History Table (PM30200) contains 11 dates. The Apply To History table contains 6 dates. That's 27 dates!
If you want to learn what all of these dates do, I recently posted an article to my blog that defines them all. You can read it here:
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Kind regards,