I would like to find out for this Purchase Prices.. This is where you will fill in all the item no. and their purchase prices at which unit amount and unit costs, from which duration length.
I would like to find out when you have filled up all the columns, where does the value goes to? Which module or page does these data goes to?
For example, Where does vendor no. goes to?
When we set the Starting Date and Ending Date, where does it goes to?
In Prices, where does vendor no., Starting Date and Ending Date goes to?
When BC populates the price of an item on a sales document, it looks at this page to find if any special price has been set up. For example, a bicycle could be on sales within a certain time period, which is defined by the starting date and end date. Then BC will compare the price on this page with price on the item card, and other places where prices are set up, to determine the lowest price for customer. So the dates are just used to help BC understand if a price is applicable during a certain time period.
In Prices, where does vendor no., Starting Date and Ending Date goes to?
Hello Josh,
The Purchase Price is the amount that the customer needs to pay for a product, and the Cost Price is the amount that we spend a business to make a product.
These fields do not have the same function, and if you want to change your Cost Prices of items then you can do that by Implementing standard cost changes through the Standard Cost Worksheet.
You can read more about that at the following link.
In Prices, where does vendor no., Starting Date and Ending Date goes to?
Hello Josh,
these are filters for the Purchase Price page.
Dates that you enter on this page specifies the date from which the purchase price is valid and they are stored on this page.
Since we can have a different costs from different vendors, you can set up many to many relationships between Item No. and Vendor No., so you can set up for more vendors different item prices.
List without filters.
List with entered filter in this field.
If you have any additional questions feel free to ask.
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